K Neill Foster

Small Miracles and Plain Prayers

A occasional series: answers to prayer about plain things - by Dr. K. Neill Foster

Saved from Surgery

In the early spring of 2004 I was wakened in the night by a very strong abdominal pain which later proved to be a kidney stone. I was moved by ambulance to a hospital where surgeries to relieve the condition were commonly conducted.

Earlier, my wife and I had received prayer from the elders of our local Alliance church. The experience with the elders was not dramatic, but it certainly was serene and comforting. As I was being prepared for surgery, another pastor-friend stopped by. He also prayed for me in a rather amusing kind of way, first praying through all the reasons God might not heal, and then, almost suddenly, praying that I would be instantly healed. I liked his prayer!

A couple hours later, out in the hallway, I heard them calling my name over the loudspeaker: "Mr. Foster, to the OR please. Mr. Foster to the OR please."About the same time, and seemingly at the very same moment, the stone passed. The surgeon came and took a look at it. "You might as well go home," he said.

Phlegmatic person that I am, it was a nearly ecstatic moment!

". . . in everything by prayer"
