The plan to save humanity was in motion in the Garden of Eden, however it seems to have been full of risks. God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in unity created heaven and earth and all that exists. Their nature before creation was spiritual, not physical and this is underlined because the physicality of creation did not yet exist. God chose to create man and mankind after their image, an image that obviously meant much more than just appearance.
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were soon confronted with a decision whether to believe and obey God. Satan, a created being, had a hand in deceiving Eve, and when they disobeyed God, God already had a plan to redeem the kingdom that they had just given away to Satan. Scriptures record in Genesis 3:15 that God prophesied that a Savior would crush Satan. The plan required the second person of the godhead to be born completely human, setting aside His glory for this task to redeem fallen humanity.
The risks of the Creator becoming completely human seem immeasurable. A holy, sinless God being born of a woman, who was dead in sin just like the rest of humanity, is almost unimaginable. Why would He take the risk of becoming a member of humanity? Only if He was successful in atoning for the sin would humanity, and even his own human mother, be saved.
Consider the risks: being born in a manger, being taken to Egypt to escape Herod’s wrath, returning to Israel to find a safe place to grow up, submitting to earthly parents who did not fully understand the plan Jesus was born to fulfill. At the age of 12, He stayed in Jerusalem in the temple being taught by the teachers while his parents began to look for Him when they realized that he was not part of the caravan returning home. When they found Him, they were upset with Him for causing them concern.
Luke records that Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men (Luke 2:52). In favor with God? Was there some risk that Christ as a growing child would not have all of God’s favor? When Christ was about 30 years of age and began His public ministry, Satan came to tempt Him. Was there some risk that He would yield to one of Satan’s temptations? Apparently there was. Yet in every decision, Jesus was sinless and perfect in fulfilling all the prophecies of Scripture about the Messiah that would come to redeem mankind.
From God’s perspective, it seems that providing salvation for mankind was worth the risks. Now how can we refuse God who has done so much to redeem us?
A risk-taking God – an interesting and helpful viewpoint. Jesus’ wholly human parents also took risks as they accepted their role in redemption. Thanks for your insight.