
Debate occurs where there is disagreement about the facts. No one debates whether water at room temperature is wet but when it comes to evolution versus creationism, there are both facts and opinions. Fact: not everyone in the evolution camp believes the same set of details. Likewise, not everyone in the camp of creationism believes the same set of details. Therefore, rather than letting someone else speak for you, it is best that you know the basis of your beliefs.

Evolution in many of its faces declares that there is no God and that we must come up with an explanation as to how we arrived here. Creationism says there is a God, a Creator with whom all things began and He created us in His image and not as a single cell beginning of life.

If you believe there is a God, and if you believe He is the Creator and that He has made Himself known to people through various revelations including the Scriptures written by many people over thousands of years without contradiction in content, then you must believe that we did not come to exist through evolution.

The Genesis account indicates that each species was created and commanded to reproduce after their kind (Genesis 1:12, 24, 25). This is important – there is no transition from one species to another. Natural selection is not evolution. Evolution is defined by those who imagine all plants, birds, animals and people came from some initial spark of life and that all species evolved from that spark.

If you believe in evolution as the source of everything following that initial spark of life, then everything you see through the microscope or the telescope came into order without a Cause or Creator. But the evidence of a Creator lies before everyone: now it is up to each person to decide – is there a God or not. Debating the reality of God for some of us would be like debating the wetness of water.

Since God said He created everything that exists, and since God said that each plant, bird and animal were to reproduce after their kind, and since the theory of evolution leaves no room for God at any stage, and since believing the theory of evolution as the explanation of life takes more faith than believing in a Creator who has revealed Himself to us, the debate comes down to one point: is there a God? I can tell you that there is a God, that I have heard His voice at various times and in unmistakeable ways, that living a God-honoring life is fulfilling and a huge contrast to a life lived without Him.

On Sunday we heard a man talking about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator, from Colossians 1: 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

The entire universe is held together by God. Those who refuse to believe this will eventually understand but perhaps not before it’s too late. Yes, there is a God who created everything whether we understand how or not – each specie was created by Him and was designed to reproduce after its kind.